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Accessible Documents

Accessible Documents on a table

What are Accessible Documents?

Put simply, they are documents that can be read easily by everyone including those using assistive technology like screenreaders (tech that assists blind people to read documents). When a document is well prepared and structured it improve everyone’s ability to read and retain the information. It is a win, win situation really!
Here at Adaptable Solutions we use a number of International & National Guidelines, like those outlined by the National Disability Authority, Ireland. This is to make sure your document is of the highest quality standard.

What Documents can be made Accessible?

Our team of experts can help you with documents in any of the following formats.

  • Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Publisher

I am unsure if my documents are accessible….

This is not a problem. We can also assess documents to see where you stand, and make suggestions to improve the accessibility. 

Other formats, we can help with!

On occasion, a specific format may be asked for by a customer or staff member. These are often easy to produce, when you know how. 
Some examples of this:

  • High Contrast Documents
  • Large Print Documents

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